77. Al-Mursalaat - Those sent forth

1By oath of those that are sent, one after the other. (The verses of the Holy Qur’an or the angels or the winds).
2Then by oath of those that push with a strong gust.
3Then by oath of those that lift and carry.
4Then by those that clearly differentiate the right and wrong.
5And then by those that instil Remembrance into the hearts.
6To complete the argument or to warn.
7Indeed what you are promised, will surely befall.
8So when the lights of the stars are put out.
9And when the sky is split apart.
10And when the mountains are made into dust and blown away.
11And when the time of the Noble Messengers arrives.
12For which day were they appointed?
13For the Day of Decision.
14And what do you know, what the Day of Decision is!
15Ruin is for the deniers on that day!
16Did We not destroy the earlier people?
17We shall then send the latter after them.
18This is how We deal with the guilty.
19Ruin is for the deniers on that day!
20Did We not create you from an abject fluid?
21We then kept it in a safe place.
22For a known calculated term.
23We then calculated; so how excellently do We control!
24Ruin is for the deniers on that day!
25Did We not make the earth a storehouse?
26For the living and the dead among you?
27And We placed high mountains as anchors in it and gave you sweet water to drink.
28Ruin is for the deniers on that day!
29“Move towards what you used to deny!”
30“Move towards the shadow of the smoke having three branches.”
31“Which neither gives shade, nor saves from the flame.”
32Indeed hell throws up sparks like huge castles.
33Seeming like yellow camels.
34Ruin is for the deniers on that day!
35This is a day in which they will not be able to speak.
36Nor will they be given permission to present excuses.
37Ruin is for the deniers on that day!
38This is the Day of Decision; We have gathered you and all the earlier men.
39If you now have any conspiracy, carry it out on Me.
40Ruin is for the deniers on that day!
41Indeed the pious are in shade and springs.
42And among fruits whichever they may desire.
43“Eat and drink with pleasure, the reward of your deeds.”
44This is how We reward the virtuous.
45Ruin is for the deniers on that day!
46“Eat and enjoy for a while – indeed you are guilty.”
47Ruin is for the deniers on that day!
48And when it is said to them, “Offer the prayer” – they do not!
49Ruin is for the deniers on that day!
50So after this, in what matter will they believe?